The excellent group exhibition I’m part of in Washington DC, VAIVEN, has been making waves. The six photographers in the show are all Spanish born or of Spanish heritage (like myself) and our work reflects influence from both Spain and the US. The exhibit was curated by the Embassy of Spain.
The Washington Post ran a full story (with big pictures!) last Sunday. You can read the story here.
Also covering the show have been:
The InTowner : Visual Journeys Back And Forth Between Spain and the U.S. Univision/La Information . España y EE.UU. intercambian miradas a través del objetivo de 6 fotógrafos The Examiner : Spanish photogs display work influenced by U.S., Spain in VAIVEN for FotoWeek DC Blogger El Universo de Martina: Seis en VAIVEN
RTVE is the leading online Spanish media site with over 16 million unique users. They put together a nice a/v piece: Fotógrafos de ida y vuelta entre España y EE.UU El Confidencial, a daily online Spanish magazine based in Madrid: España y EEUU intercambian miradas a través del objetivo de 6 fotógrafos Todo Arte, a Spanish culture magazine dedicated to all art disciplines. SPAIN arts & culture participa en FotoWeekDC con VAIVÉN Takoma Park CityTV, Noticias Culturales Que Pintamos en el Mundo, an online art magazine based in Spain: VAIVEN: Seis recorridos visuales de ida y vuelta entre España y los EE.UU
...and other press:
At the opening reception of my solo show at Elmhurst College a few months ago, reporter Haleema Shaw interviewed me for Vocalo 90.7 FM (CHI) for the show Morning Amp hosted by Brian Babylon and Molly Adams. Have a listen: Urban Artistry: Haleema Shaw talks to photographer Xavier Nuez
Talking a book, maybe
I’m developing an Alleys and Ruins book with author and reporter J. Michael Welton, who has written about art, architecture and design for The New York Times, Interior Design and The Washington Post. He also writes and edits the online magazine Architects + Artisans. In this digital age, there are new obstacles to publishing a real paper book, but we believe that an Alleys and Ruins coffee table book, with big lush photos on quality paper would look fantastic and would be a big hit!
To push this ahead, in today’s day and age, we need sponsors. I’ll be putting a proposal together for anyone interested on how you can help get this published, while getting a lot back in return.
More on this later, but feel free to email me with questions, ideas …. a sponsorship?!