I’m off to Minneapolis tomorrow for a week. I’m the Commemorative Artist at the Uptown Art Fair and among the list of things the Uptown association has set up for me, I’ll be giving a talk and slideshow at the new Uptown Apple Store from 6-7pm, Thurs Aug 5. If you are in the area, please come by. I’ll be showing some of my earliest night and alley images, dating from the mid-80’s and the progression to my Alley series which officially began in 1991.

I’ve been travelling a lot and shooting more night crawly alleys and the like – in Detroit and Cleveland, and with help from friends Jim Behrens and Anna Ciccone. Because the film I use is no longer made, I’m (in agony) holding off from processing what I shot until I finish the roll, so it will be a couple more weeks before I see the images. Here’s a Polaroid of the Packard plant in Detroit – although I plan to re-shoot this. Going back the following day, I saw greater potential. The Packard plant is an incredibly huge abandoned luxury car factory. To get a real feel of the epic scope of this ruin, I found you a good video walking tour online.
And below are a couple of rough polaroids from some of Cleveland’s prettier neighborhoods.
