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Life drawing in my studio! ...and Felix Dia

Writer's picture: Xavier NuezXavier Nuez

I’m a little late in posting this, but tonight I’m hosting a life drawing class in my studio – 6:30-9:30. There will be a model and a bunch of pencil/charcoal artists. If you are in the Chicago area and interested, please let me know. It is $10 to get involved.

And this Friday is 2nd Friday! My studio will be open to the public from 6-10pm.

Life drawing

My journey into photography began in my adolescence, with drawing, then on to painting later on. But drawing especially was an obsession in my early and mid teens. It’s been many (many!!) years since I sat and sketched something, so this weekend, I joined a life drawing group. It was a bit like getting on a bike after 20 years – exciting and clumsy. After doing many quick sketches, where the model would change poses every few minutes, we got warmed up, allowing us to work on longer poses: 20 and 40 minutes. Probably boring for you to look at, but here’s a charcoal and pencil sketch I did from the class. Eventually, I’ll post a few of my early (and usually bizarre!) drawings.

So here’s my first real effort at drawing in 20 years…

Feliz Dia

Felizdia, a Spanish language web site about positive living, has posted a translated version of my Spraygraphic interview.

One of the surprising comments was by a gentleman in Venezuela, Dariel Delgado, who wrote a poem about the images. In my faltering Spanish, I think I can tell thats it really good, but no doubt I’m biased!

LAS MAGICAS FOTOS DE XAVIER NUEZ Xavier Nuez se adueña de los callejones Bichos raros salen de los oscuros rincones Muchas calles se encuentran destartaladas sin pinturas y algunas ventanas cerradas

La oscuridad le esconde al pasado la tristeza Las luces estroboscópicas atrapan la belleza Aquellos recuerdos lejanos de juventud Acelera la imaginación y la llena de luz

Xavier Nuez le dibuja a las criaturas su sonrisa y con su mágico lente de se mueve de prisa Hay muchas bichitas que salen muy coquetas Y se ponen sus aretes el perfume y la chaqueta

El escenario esta listo el teatro abre sus puertas Hay criaturas peludas ,sin pelos y hasta tuertas Son solo personajes que representan la historia Estrellas, héroes y villanos vivirán en sus memoria

Xavier Nuez glorifica las criatura mas sencillas Las humildes y patéticas las pone sobre la silla El eleva los espacios mas allá de los colores Un plano excepcional donde llueven bellas flores

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Xavier Nuez

Contemporary Fine Art Photography

319 N. Albany Ave, Studio 1N5

Chicago, IL 60612


© Xavier Nuez, 2024

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